The Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM) program focuses on producing world class travel-oriented graduates. It is designed for students to pursue a challenging and exciting career in the travel and tourism industry with tremendous possibilities and potentials. The program trains the students with proper knowledge and skills for service excellence in order to meet the growing demand of the travel and tourism industry and to get ahead in the field of business armed with strong academic and practical educational experiences.


The BSTM program of LCC-C aims to produce graduates whose professional skills and competencies are applied to the promotion of greater understanding among the different sectors of Philippine society and among people from different cultural and national environments.

Additionally, the objectives of the program are:

  • stimulate research culture for better appreciation of indigenous and foreign customs and traditions
  • respond to the needs of the tourism and hospitality industry for knowledgeable, skillful and professional graduates
  • train, through quality instruction and practice, tourism industry professionals for highly ethical entrepreneurial and managerial leadership.


After completion of the program, the graduates can pursue a career in the tourism industry and/or hospitality sectors. They can enjoy the following job opportunities:

Entry Level Positions

  • Tourism Management Graduates
    • Travel Account Representative
    • Tour Coordinator
    • Local Tourism Officer
    • Airline Flight Attendant
    • Tour Escort
    • Staff of the Department of Tourism and other tourism–oriented institutions
  • Travel Management Graduates
    • Tourism Information Officer of local government units
    • Documentation Officer in travel agencies
    • Reservation Officer of travel agencies or tour operators
    • Ticketing Officer of travel agencies or tour operators
    • Cashier
    • Bookkeeping Clerk
    • Tour Coordinator
    • Tour Escort
    • Counter Sales Representative
    • Field Sales Representative
    • Staff of the Department of Tourism and other tourism-oriented institutions

Advanced Office Positions

  • Tourism Graduates
    • Office Manager
    • Owner of tourism enterprise
    • Tourism consultant/adviser
    • Office Manager of government offices related to tourism
  • Travel Management Graduates
    • Owner/Incorporator of Travel Agencies, Hotels, Resorts, or other Lodging Accommodations and Restaurants
    • Office Manager of government offices related to tourism
    • Reservation Supervisor
    • Documentation Supervisor
    • Ticketing Supervisor
    • Travel Consultant
    • Destination Specialist
    • Travel & Tour Planner
    • Contract & Quotation Specialist
    • Operations Manager
    • Inbound Tour Manager
    • Outbound Tour Manager
    • Provincial Tourism Officer
    • Regional Tourism Officer